Wednesday 16 February 2011

Monster Price For Gold Competition

This is random.  I received an email about this competition where you have to write a post about something you are passionate about and thought, why not?  A chance to win £250 should never be sniffed at should it?  Please click here to go to their site and vote for me to win!  Pretty please, it depends on me persuading YOU to vote, so go on, lots of times, every day please, you know you want to, the winner is the person with the most number of votes by Monday, so get clicking!

One of my life passions is writing poetry.  As a child I remember being told off for talking in class and having to write a poem about Autumn.  It was about 30 verses long and went on and on.  I'm not sure why I wrote so many verses, perhaps it was to annoy the teacher, but it sparked a passion that would be a life-long friend.

I've had some of my work published.  The first time that happened I was so excited.  Something about seeing your name in print is so satisfying.  When things go wrong it can be the best way to get your emotions in order and sort your head out.  No room in the house is without paper and pen.

I've turned some of my poetry into music, working with an old school buddy to create an album called 'Hidden'. When I lived in London I would always have a notebook with me and write poems about anything and everything.  That was how I wrote the songs for Hidden, using extracts from all my random ramblings in various journals.  Now I sing to my son, making up silly verses to make him giggle. 

So please, dear reader,
Do what you can
To vote for me now
Then I'll tell you my plan
To set up a course
Where people can write
Expressing their feelings
However they'd like :)

Poetry is a gift, it's a lift up into the sunshine on a rainy day, it's a hug when you're feeling lonely.  It can bring so much joy and you don't need a degree to write it.  I'd like to set up a poetry group for people to come together and find a voice with which to express their emotions and share their experiences. 

Click here...

1 comment:

  1. :-( I am too late, so sorry!! I hope that your plan to set up a course where people can write will be put into action nevertheless - I'd for sure sign up. xx
