Gosh! Is it Monday again? How on earth did that happen? That was incredible. The days must be getting so terribly, terribly short, surely I missed a couple? Well, all I had time to make today was a list...
1) Get up and get Rowan and I dressed and out of the house before 10am, for the baby group
2) Eat and write shopping list for tomorrow
3) Tidy up
4) Make something out of the old jeans
5) Write my blog
6) Write at least one card
7) Stay positive
8) Help Jam with his work
9) Laugh
10) Sort out photos
11) Do tax and accounts
12) Phone a friend
13) Sort out clothes
14) Sell things on Ebay
15) Have a bath
Now lists are all well and good, but things hardly ever go to plan. It was so foggy this morning and the neighbour told me that he'd seen cars wrapped around every lamp-post on his way to work due to the black ice, then Jam had a phonecall from the hospital to change his appointment for his shoulder to earlier, so we couldn't go to the group, so number 1 on the list didn't need to happen, although we were up and dressed and ready to do something by 10am, which is a great achievement in itself!
We did eat, the rest of the soup from the weekend, then a fabulous dinner this evening that I started cooking and Jam finished - can't beat a spot of teamwork! I didn't get the shopping list done though, but who writes shopping lists these days anyway?
I did tidy up, but it doesn't seem like that now. I'm writing, but not about the items I didn't get round to making. I wrote two cards, double what I expected. I helped Jam stay positive about his work, although I wasn't positive much myself, until I phoned a friend, laughed, then I was a lot more positive! Photos and Ebay will have to wait until a rainy day and why does that naughty three letter word always seem to get onto any list I write?
Some tips for myself regarding lists ~
Lists should definitely not be longer than 10 items, but preferably be only 5 things.
Items should be doable tasks rather than long term goals or desires.
Items should not be things that you will definitely do for sure (like get up...) unless really struggling
At least one task must be something pleasant for you.
Under no circumstances must TAX appear unless it's the day it's due and it's not been done.
It would be much more satisfying to write a list at the end of the day of all things achieved, rather than have a list of things to do that don't get done. Maybe then the tasks that don't get done might get done, in order to have the satisfaction of writing the task down on the list!
Well, the little nipper has settled, so I think I might go and have a soak in the bath. Tick.